Hello and welcome to the July Nerdcrafteria Bulletin! Here is where we’ll put all things server excitement, including world changes, events, maintenance, and more. We also have a section specially dedicated to our player events.
Staff Events
- Monthly Maintenance Window: July 14th, 7 a.m. Eastern
- Optional Monthly Maintenance Window: July 21st, 7 a.m. Eastern
- Market Weekend: July 16th – 18th
- Summer Secret Llama: Secret Llama returns! Details below!
Things to Note
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
Secret Llama makes a return for the summer! For details and the registration form, check out the full post here! Registration is open until Friday, July 9th at noon EDT (UTC -4), so be sure to fill out the form before the deadline!
Player Events
Are you hosting or running a player event? PM the details to verykirsten or QuestionTuesdayFTW on Discord and it could be included here! Please send by the first of the month to ensure there is time to include it in the Newsletter.
- Edgeville: Edgeville building begins as soon as possible, and will be available until July 26th! Voting runs from the 26th – 28th with winners being announced on the 29th. Theme this month is Trains!
- Sheep Hockey: Nerdcrafteria’s Pastime, Sheep Hockey, is back! New players and spectators are welcome, join us in explore! If you want to make sure you’re available when we play, fill out this when2meet: https://www.when2meet.com/?12240016-N5jPF.