Nerdcrafteria is a Minecraft server, owned by Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers, founded in September 2012. Our current Head Administrator is PerfectFlaw.
Our interest is in promoting a DFTBA attitude and a fun family gaming environment for all, while raising money for the Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck!
Meet the Staff

- Hank Green: One half of the Vlogbrothers and host of this awesome server!
Head Administrator:
- PerfectFlaw: General creator of chaos and bringer of snacks. When she’s not building on the server she can be found petting horses and reading fantasy. Not entirely sure how she got here. (
Senior Administrators:
- BirdyNerd [SA of Events and Excitement]: Greyhound-snoot smooching, kitty cuddling, pony snuggling, ornithologically inclined collection of quirks. (
- oranges13 [SA of Technology and Tinkering]: Coder and casual gamer who enjoys farming more than mining. Former Co-leader of Farming Guild. Owned by two cats. (she/her, they/them) (
- Xander_Fury [SA of Skyblock and Survival]:
Lives in Alaska for reasons surpassing human understanding. Has internet delivered fresh daily by friendly team of sled dogs.Newly vigorous Canadian. Likes: being asked to help build (anything), french fries. Dislikes: Bears. (
- Ferg5000: Short for Fergatron *gasp*, tech wizard and lore enthusiast. Self discovery has led him to be a Pathfinder 2e Game Master…now, roll for initiative. (
- ikilledrobot: Not actually a Robot. Plays with colors professionally. Occasionally found on Eorzea. Instagrams her dog Zoey too much. (
- riichard3: Have you ever seen that movie Easy A? He’s basically that part where she sings “Pocket Full of Sunshine” all weekend. Former Co-Mayor of Solara. (
- shezzaholmes: Vigorously Canadian. (
- LordStormy: Often found in pillow forts watching Critical Role surrounded by cats. 50% chance of yarn drop. Former Co-Mayor of Nerdtropolis and Green Hills, Former Leader of the Mining Guild. They/them or He/him pronouns. (
Senior Moderators:
- Banesidhe: Lives in a Lurkhole. Lurks. Trademark saying: “Turtles breath out of their…. SAMANTHA?!?” Former Mayor of Agloe, Blackguard Bay, & Thistledown. (
- Astro_Owl: Avid gamer and book-reader. Enjoys learning more about electronics and the universe we call home. Never FTBA’s. (
- DefiniteMclovin: Thinks gender is a social construct.. probably is. Lover of bees and builder of sanctuaries. usually goes by Britt. (
- QuestionTues_FTW: Frequently pretends he knows what he’s doing (He never does). Will either afk box you or make you a meme if you’re not careful. (
- TamedNightFury: Lives several hours ahead of most other staff. Is probably sleeping, studying or working on a parkour right now. Enjoys math for some reason. (
Interested in joining the staff? Please click here!